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Posted: August 31, 2024

Been having a lot of moments lately where I sit down to do something creative and I can’t manage to get anything down. I try to at least spend a few minutes to see if I can get over that initial hump of getting started. But that hasn’t been working.

Routine has been particularly helpful for me. Until my environment or schedule gets knocked around. I would do something for months, but suddenly completely stop when the routine breaks for a week or two. I recently joined a gym. A cheap one that’s every where around Tokyo. I like going running, but the summers here have been getting particularly long that I don’t want to wait until winter to attempt to fix my routine.

But creative things are harder to get to play with my routine powered mind. I sit down to do something and nothing. It’s frustrating when you make it all the way through the week. You have time to do something and nothing. At least I am getting some exercise in I suppose.